Eid Mohamed Abd Al-latif

He was born in Cairo June 4,1960 and he's the founder and head of Animation Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Al-minya University.


1983 : Bachelor of Fine Arts – Graphic Department – Animation Division – Helwan University – El-zamalek – Cairo.

1987 – 1988: a graduate of Free Painting School – Rome.

1989: master animation – Faculty of Fine Arts – Helwan University – Cairo.

1990 – 1991: Animation Department by "Paul Drezeen – Cassell" Germany.

1991 – 1994: cinematic direction – Faculty of Film and Television – Munich – Germany.

1996: PhD in philosophy and history of film – Helwan and Munich Universities.

1993 – 2001: High Diploma in Arts (Master of Arts) Academy of Arts – Munich.

2007: assistant professor in the Philosophy of Animation.

2016: professor of Animation philosophy.

Teaching Experiences:-

1983 – 1989: a Lecturer in Graphic Department – Faculty of Fine Arts – Al-minya University.

1993 – 1996: Special courses in painting – Munich.

1996: a Lecturer in Summer Academy of Arts – Saarland – Germany.

1996: a Lecturer in the Animation Department – Faculty of Fine Arts – Al-minya University.

1997: a Visitor Professor in the Summer Academy of Arts – Cos – Greece.

1998: a Visitor Professor in Higher Institute of Education – Noen Kirschen Governorate – Saarland – Germany.

2002: he's one of the founders of International Academy of Information Science – Media Production City.

Since 2001: he has taught Cinema Production Courses – Television Graphic – Graphics Bases – Design Bases – Cinematic Production at International Academy of Information Sciences – Media Production City.

2002 – 2003: Television Directing – Information Department – Faculty of Arts – Ein Shams University.

2003 – 2004: supervising cinema department – International Academy of Information – Sciences – Media Production City.

2004: a special Diploma for TV Drama and News – International Academy of Information Sciences – Media Production City.

Since 2001: he has taught TV directing – script writing – Advertising Design – Independent Studies – Projects Management –Innovative Thinking – Dramatic Directing and Media Organizations of English Department at Faculty of Information – Misr University for Science and Technology.

2007 – 2015: teaching Graphics and Animation for Arabic and English Department – Faculty of Information – Cairo University.

2008 – 2009: teaching Tricks and Visual Effect at Division of Electronic Information - Faculty of Information – Cairo University.

2007 – 2013: teaching Child and Puppets Theater, Philosophy of Arts at Drama and Theater Criticism Department – Ein Shams University.

2009 – 2015: a Professor at International Institute of Information – Al-shorouk University.

2010: teaching Introduction to Visual Media – Advertising Design, Canadian University, Cairo.

2013: teaching TV Production for Information Department – Higher Studies Institute for Childhood and Media – Ein Sahms University.

1999: giving Lectures and Seminars at Gotta Institute, Cairo, Al-mansoura University, center for Middle East Studies – Ein Shams University, Akhbar Al-youm Academy – College of Higher Technology for Girls – Ras Al-khaimah – German University – Moroccan Equestrian Festival – Tunisia.

Films production and direction:-

- 8 short animated films "3-30 minutes".

- A series of thirty episodes of children's animation and clay for the Egyptian Television.

- 6 short films.

- 4 experimental films for ART French Channel and Bayern 3 German Channel

- Long documentary films for Bayresh Rond Fonk Channel – Bavarian Television – Germany

- 3 short documentary films "15 minutes" for FAO Organization.

- A documentary film for the center for preparing people with special needs – Ministry of Social Affairs – URE .

- Supervising 259 programs (short, documentary and animated films), Egyptian Television.

Participation in International Festivals:-

2000, 2006, 2008, 2014 a prize for taking part in these years of the official contest of Berry Genis International Cinematic Festivals – Munich – Germany.

2005 – 2007: International Cairo Cinematic Festival for Children Films.

2005 – 2008: National Festival for Cinema – Cairo.

2008: International Cinematic Festival (Sain Kind) Amsterdam, Netherlands.

2008: International Festival for Children's Cinema (Lola - Kenya) – Nairobi, Kenya.

2008: International Festival for Children's Cinema (family friendly), Manchester, England.

2008: International Festival for Children's Cinema (family friendly) – New York – USA.

2011 – 2012: European Festival.

2016: Moroccan Equestrian Festival – Kairouan State – Tunisia.


1981: 1st prize in painting – National Youth Exhibition – Cairo.

1984: 2nd prize in photography – National Youth Exhibition.

1985: 3rd prize in Graphics – National Youth Exhibition.

1987: gold medal in Graphics – contemporary vision of Heritage contest – 3rd Conference of Faculty of Arts – Al-minya University.

1995: creativity prize for Youth in Graphics – Bavaria State, Ministry of Culture – Munich – Germany.

1998: grand prize at the International Ceramic Biennial – Cairo.

2000: an appreciation certificate from International Children's Cinema Festival – Munich – Germany.

2005: an appreciation certificate from International Cinematic Festival – Fayoum (Egypt).

2006: an appreciation certificate from International Children's Cinema Festival – Munich – Germany.

2008: nominated for Brigines Festival prize – Munich – Germany.

2008: special jury prize from Shina India Film Festival – New Delhy, India.

2009: nominated for the African Academy for the best animated film.

2012: the best animated film in 2011 – Arab European Festival – Spain.