Participaties 14th Cairo International Animation Forum
In the 30's, a lost village of South America wishes to perpetuate its strange traditions... The mayor has published an ad in the region: "Seeks corpse to enlarge Miracasas".
In the middle of sunken houses, wrecks and contaminated ruins, a man shares a shack perched high atop stilts with a cat and an old tape recorder.
The Whale
A young man leaves his dying mother in hospital and discovers a whale washed up on a beach. The Whale tells a story of mourning through dreamed memories.
The Other Shape
In the near future, Humanity builds an Artificial Square Paradise on the Moon's surface, which can only be reached if people have the appearance and the way of thinking of a square.
In the eyes of a toddler phone-users are like zombies.
After the unlikely encounter between a young boy and a whale, magically floating in the air, the two friends go and discover the beauty of the World.
I will Take Your Shadow
Two brothers flee home during the Nazi regime. Generations later, their granddaughter weaves a dreamlike story of the untold past crossing into the present.
Listen to Us
An Arabic song in sign language for the hearing impaired and deaf persons.
Wonderful Tree
Scenes from the biography of Prophet Mohamed peace upon him, and the events start from a tree that contains many mysterious symbols.
Kipu is a luxury chauffeur in a dark city, where the streets are full of cars and black cats. After he accidentally runs over the entire family of a little cat called Suruaika, Kipu adopts her and does all he can to keep her safe..
A Safe Place for Dreaming
What is daydreaming like to people who don't experience the world like normal people do?.
When hallucinations mix with reality, a woman may turn into a chicken.
فاعليات وورش مهرجان ملتقى القاهرة الدولي للرسوم المتحركة في دورته الـ14
افتتاح مهرجان ملتقى القاهرة الدولى للرسوم المتحركة في دورته الرابعة عشر
عروض افلام ضمن فاعليات ملتقى القاهرة الدولي بطلعت حرب الثقافي
ورش ضمن فاعليات ملتقى القاهرة الدولي للرسوم المتحركة بالهناجر
ورش وندوات ضمن فاعليات ملتقى القاهرة الدولي للرسوم المتحركة ببيت العيني
ورش وعروض افلام ضمن فاعليات ملتقى القاهرة الدولي للرسوم التحركة بطلعت حرب الثقافي
ورش ضمن فاعليات ملتقى القاهرة الدولي للرسوم المتحركة بالهناجر
ورش وعروض افلام ضمن فاعليات ملتقى القاهرة الدولي للرسوم التحركة بطلعت حرب الثقافي