-Bachelor of Arts,Department of Arabic Languageand Literaturefrom Cairo University in 1967
- Master's degreein folkandEgyptianliterature
- Doctorate inMamlukliterature,Universityof Sarajevo
- Doctorate inOttomanMamluk literature,CairoUniversity
- Doctorate infolk tales, Cairo University
-Lecturer offolk literature-GaryounisUniversity, Libya
-Head of the InvestigationSection,Alam El Fikrmagazine
-Program editor for EgyptianTV
-Programeditorfor Libyan radioandtelevisioninBenghazi
-President of the Juryin the Child'sArtsFestivalin Fayoum
-Member of the Viewing Committeeat theCairo InternationalFilm Festival for Children
-Member of the Juryat the Animation Forum
-Member of the Juryat theChildren's TheaterFestival
Authoredseveral childrenliterature books, as: -
- A Journey filled with Marvels (National Council for Childhood and Motherhood)
-City of Beautiful Flowers(National Council for Childhood andMotherhood)
-Rehaminthe Marvellous CloudsCity(Dar El-Helal Publishers)
- Other:Dialloand the RainBird, The Secret of the City, The Lost City, Nato’s Adventures, The Return of HayyibnYaqdhan
A Country without Address, Sons ofthe Devil, A Charlatan despite Him, the Affair ofa Woman,Going Around and Around, Sugar Act, TheSahtout
Animation Drama
Reham’s Adventures, The Young Pharaoh, the Mysteryof the Pyramid(science fiction bythe Production Sector of the Radio and Television Union)
ProgramsandDramafor Children:
Eid Celebrations, InformationTree, the Olympicsand top-notch athletes
-Workshopat the Cairo InternationalFilm Festival for Children on "The Folk Tale and how to turn it intoa Work of Art"
-Workshopat the Forum on Animation taken from Movie Scenarios on folkloric heritage
- Certificate of Meritfromthe Egyptian AnimationSociety for organizing a workshop at theCairo InternationalFestivalofCinema for Children
- Certificate of Meritfromthe Integrated Care Society
- Certificate of Meritfrom theMaadi Libraryfor developing animated films scripts, 2004