The artistic career of Ahmed Ratebbegan when he was a child, actingat school.His talent grew when he joined theacting group atuniversitywhile studyingat the Faculty ofEngineering and later the Higher Instituteof Theatrewhere he earneda bachelor's degree.
His debut was in television, thenin the Taleea Theaterand in cinema. His performancewas simpleand natural andhe also becameknown for performing comedy.
He won theRadioand TelevisionFestivalAwardforthe series ofUmm Kulthum. Co-starring with Adel Imamin several films helped him developa strong presence in mostmodernyouthfilms.
Ratebexcelled as one of themost brilliantartistsincomedy that is sharply critical andthat has managed toattractallspectra ofsociety.
Films and other works
His collective workscomprise about128movies,103TV seriesand 25plays.
In addition toRateb’sexcellent performance incinema, theatre and television, he gave hisvoiceto manyanimatedworks,leavinga distinctmark. Some of his work in animation include: -Hercules– the Hanadiseries-theWonder Stories series - Storiesof Men in the Quranand many otherseries that were directed by animationartistDrZeinabZamzam.