- received her Bachelor ofFine Arts,Graphic Department,Animation andBookArtDivisionin 1977
- joinedthe National Center ofCinemain 1979
- participated in severalanimation filmsby theNational Council for Film Productionandprivate companiessuch as the"Magic for Animation," "Gemini" "AyaPlusCartoon"
- directed animation films: the Sluggard, the Circle, the DevilandPictou, Family Tree, and Hum Hum, aproductionofthe National Centerfor Cinema
-participated inotherfilms such as Curiosity,Abultaratir,The Rabit and the Fox, Noraand the Wolf,Tariq’sAdventures series, the Story of AyaNouh, Winner and Loser,Miro and Marmar, and Filfil and Falfoula.
-Best filmaward for"Sluggard" at the 12thNational FestivalofDocumentary and Short Filmsin 1989
-A prizefor “The Circle”at the 14thNationalFestival ofDocumentary and ShortFilmsin 1991
-Second prizefor “The ArabMusic Ensemble” at thetenth Arab Festivalfor Radioand Televisionin Tunisin 2012