- Bachelor ofFine Arts,Graphic Department,Animation andBook Art Division
-Diploma from the Higher Institute ofCinemaandpostgraduate degreefrom the Fine Arts College
- Joined the National CentreofCinemaand became DirectorGeneral of theAnimation Department
- Beganher practical careeratthe MoheebStudio for Animation
- Participated in executingand directingseveral movies, producedbythe NationalCentre for Cinema, including
Curiosity-Abultaratir-Circle-Mama-Together–Seasons of the Year
-Co-directed for EgyptianTV:TVadswith liveshots and the “Kingdom ofBees”operettaproduced bythe Family and ChildChannel
- Directeda series of filmsaboutthe treatment of civiliansduring wartime, aInternationalCommittee of the RedCross (ICRC)production.
Certificates and Awards
- Gold Award; received the Golden Pyramid for her film "Mama" at the Cairo International Film Festival for Children.
- Golden Medallion for her film "Mama" at the 13thNational Documentary and Short Film Festival
- Cairo International Film Festival Award
- Golden Medallion - Silver Jubilee - National Festival of Documentary Films
- The Commemorative Medal of the Supreme Council of Culture to mark 100 years of cinema in Egypt
- Gold Award from 6th Cairo Festival of Radio and Television for the animation operetta "Kingdom of Bees"
- Gold Award from the 10thFestival of Radio and Television for the film "Seasons of the Year"
- Best Film Award from the 10thNational Festival of Cinema for the film "Seasons of the Year"
- Silver Award from the Cairo International Film Festival for Children "Seasons of the Year"