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14th Cairo International Animation Forum
ملتقي القاهرة الدولي للرسوم المتحركة الدورة الرابعة عشر

Participaties 14th Cairo International Animation Forum

3 Little Kungpoo Goats
There is a ceasefire between Predators and preys protected by the Ninja Warrior "Red Shadow" The wolf decides to hunt little goats without breaking the truce and the red shadow reaction
Laila is a girl who lived in ancient Arabia. She goes on a difficult journey in search of a medicine for her father.
Duda & Dada the Secret of Hoohoo Island
Duda, a young protagonists grow up without parents. Duda and his friends decide to go on an adventure to the secret Hoohoo Island to find Duda's mom.On the way, a dragon attacks them .
Three characters, who apparently have few similarities, take you along in their experience when listening to music that has comforted them during the pandemic.
Wonderful Tree
Scenes from the biography of Prophet Mohamed peace upon him, and the events start from a tree that contains many mysterious symbols.
A child, on a heat wave picks flowers in the goal of making a bouquet to put on the grave of his cat. Without realizing, the ghost of the cat follows her on her journey
Bad Boy
Every adult has childhood shadows that have affected their growth. The heroine saw herself in her childhood from meeting a little boy, and remembered the unpleasant experience.
The Guardian
The guardian didn't want to consume other people's problems so he was aiming to escape the circle of negativity through joyful music
Goro Goro
Daigoro, a baby thunder god, who dreams of being as powerful as his father. Through his journey, he realizes that he can achieve his dreams in his own unique way.
Monochrome Myopia
A young witch who always strives for perfection. Especially in her potions and spells.
The Stranger
What does this stranger want, blocking the road? In order to find out, no need to shout, just ask him!
A young woman visits her homeland for the first time on a trip to search for her home.