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14th Cairo International Animation Forum
ملتقي القاهرة الدولي للرسوم المتحركة الدورة الرابعة عشر

Participaties 14th Cairo International Animation Forum

Three characters, who apparently have few similarities, take you along in their experience when listening to music that has comforted them during the pandemic.
Hekima Ya Usawa
Usawa, a young African warrior, uses the wisdom of his ancestors to become who he really is in order to defend his motherland.
Blue Fish
Insomnia is a terrible thing that makes falling asleep a difficult task, as if you are being exposed to a storm of thoughts.
Wonderful Tree
Scenes from the biography of Prophet Mohamed peace upon him, and the events start from a tree that contains many mysterious symbols.
Gathering Tour
There was a woman who wrapped herself in a mysterious cloak and left her comfort zone. she wandered through the haze country, bounced from one character head to another.
When I am in a social situation my mind has only one thought - to escape. But the truth is, most of the time I can't leave a social situation, like I'm trapped in a thick, dim, enclosed space.
3 Little Kungpoo Goats
There is a ceasefire between Predators and preys protected by the Ninja Warrior "Red Shadow" The wolf decides to hunt little goats without breaking the truce and the red shadow reaction
Tomorrow Will Be Better
A film about rationalizing electricity consumption and the danger of children playing in electricity sources..
What does a poet put in his luggage? Books, ideas, blank pages, and all the trips ready to be written.
Kipu is a luxury chauffeur in a dark city, where the streets are full of cars and black cats. After he accidentally runs over the entire family of a little cat called Suruaika, Kipu adopts her and does all he can to keep her safe..
Seu Zé walks carrying his bird Chico in a fragile cage. Shortly after settling on healthy land, gunfire from farmers forces the wanderer to flee, not noticing that the bird is gone
Abu Al-Sabr
A film about superstitions and how swindlers take advantage of people's belief in superstitions.